2 research outputs found

    Analisis Pola Konversi Lahan Sawah dan Struktur Hubungan Penyebab dan Pencegahannya (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    The extent of land use and land cover (LULC) of paddy field in Subang Regency has decreased because of the conversion into non-paddy field. The objectives of this research were to review the spatial pattern of LULC change, to analyze the cause and to identify the anticipation strategy of paddy field conversion. The analysis used the Landsat data of 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2014 which were interpreted by supervise technique. The interpretation result was compared with the existing LULC and was examined by Kappa methode. This research focuses on the spatial pattern of LULC change, integrated with the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) to review the cause and the anticipation strategy of the conversion. The results revealed that the paddy field was converted into plantation, built-up area, and dryland agriculture. The ISM result revealed that the conversion causes were: (1) increasing the farmer economic needs, (2) increasing the built-up area, (3) increasing the selling price of land and (4) decreasing the farming motivation. To anticipate the conversion, several priorities are needed, namely (1) rehabilitation of the irrigation infrastructures and regulation of the spatial planning, (2) tighten the conversion permit and maximization of the abandoned land, and (3) giving the incentive and disincentive for the farmers, land consolidation, and establishment of corporate farming

    Dynamic System Modelling and Land Suitability to Define Priority Areas of Soybean Plantation in Paddy Fields in Karawang, West Java

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    One of the agricultural public commodities in Indonesia which still cannot fulfill its domestic consumption needs is soybean. The objectives of the research, which was conducted in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia, were to: (i) identify the suitable area for soybean plantations in paddy fields, (ii) assess the development of soybeans in land use and socio-economic context, and (iii) plan the spatially soybean plantation. A soil survey and land evaluation for soybean was completed. IKONOS imagery was applied to delineate paddy fields while a dynamic system modelling was developed using Powersim 8.0 software. The results of the research showed that the suitability class for soybean plantation in the paddy fields of Karawang Regency ranges from unsuitable (N) to suitable (S2), with limiting factors being temperature, fertility, nutrients retention, slope, erosion, rooting media and toxicity. Very limited arable land has been used so far for soybeans plantations due to low economic returns. The model predicts that, should the development of soybean continues in its business as usual path, a deficit of soybean will occur in 2030. The model provides alternative scenarios to reduce the deficit. Prioritization was done spatially using the suitable land gradually, corresponding to the government budget availability